Souvenirs from Cagayan de Oro (CDO)

I think most of Filipinos are like a souvenirs, as I observe that is one of the common attitude of the Filipinos. If we can go to other country or even in a place here in the Philippines we can’t forget to buy a souvenir in that place especially when you are a tourist in the place.

Here in Cagayan de Oro there are lots of foreigners and student tourists who like to visit and to explore some things that they did not yet experience. Most of the thing that they would like to experience her in the City of Golden Friendship is the Water Rafting and some adventures that only in CDO will be seen. But the most things they like is during night café because this is the night where people having fun and enjoy there selves.

In night café you can buy an affordable things like some branded clothes, bags, shoes, pants and many other things that is affordable to your pocket. But not only branded things or clothes, you can buy also here some souvenirs, which is affordable also to your pocket. I have one-suggestion guys if you will buy some souvenir, you can go to Limketkai Mall where in there is only one (1) store there selling a souvenirs. One of the in demand souvenir there is the “BURLOLOY”. In this store you can buy a lot, from caps, T-shirts, natives accessories, Bags,souvenirs for wedding or birthdays and many others.

I have some photos of souvenirs.

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  • What an intriguing travel site. Makes me want to visit. I hope you'll visit my travel site too. We seem to have a similar way of looking at our worlds.

  • hi there! thanks for dropping by my page.. I'm from Cagayan de Oro too... ug naa sad koy travel blog.. you might want to check out

    about your question on Social Spark.. I don't get much opportunities there now since my site doesn;t have page rank.. but i see naa page rank imo blog so you'r qualified for more opps..

    Anyways for the SS tip: make sure to be around by the time they give out opps which is around 10-12mn (thai time), 11-1am phil time.. so you'll be one of the first bloggers in line.

    2nd tip :)... even if you're already on queue for an opp, check on it on a regular basis esp. at night or kadlawon ..:) and you'll be surprise na ma take opp nmo uban just like kato ako 'lingerie opp'.

    That's all for now.. Happy Blogging!